Archive for October, 2013

Help put the Democrats over the top on November 5

A message from Sara Beth Helsel, deputy field organizer in Lexington for the Democratic Party of Virginia:

With two weeks left, reaching fellow Democrats and encouraging them to get out of vote has never been more important. Though some polls are looking favorable for our candidates, the only poll that really matters is the one held on Election Day. And the only way to make sure we come out ahead on that one is getting our voters out.

We know which voters we need to reach in the next 14 days. But we need lots of help doing it!

The following is a list of the most important days you can help us.

THE FINAL FOUR DAYS OF THE CAMPAIGN (November 2nd – November 5th).
Reaching voters on these days increases turnout by 6-10 percent – in an off-year election, this will have a TREMENDOUS impact on the outcome. Please join us for these shifts!:

Saturday, November 2nd:
Phone Banking & Canvassing
Starting at 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm

Sunday, November 3rd:
Phone Banking & Canvassing
9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm

Monday, November 4th:

Phone Banking & Canvassing
9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm

Tuesday, November 5th:
Phone Banking & Canvassing
7 am (Canvass only) 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm

If you would like to help out earlier, which we would LOVE, we have phone banking from Monday-Thursday from 5-9 pm and Saturday-Sunday from 10 am – 7 pm.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at or call me at 540-817-8834.

Goodlatte voted to keep the shutdown, throw the US into default

Sixth District Congressman Bob Goodlatte voted Wednesday night to continue the two-week government shutdown and throw the country into default, triggering who-knows-what economic calamities– because Republicans didn’t get their way on the Affordable Care Act. Compared to Goodlatte, even Republican Congressman Eric Cantor (who voted for the agreement that ended the crisis) was a model of responsibility and good sense.

And Goodlatte expects the voters of the Sixth District to return him to Congress next year? It’s time to say: Not this time, Bob.

Check out Goodlatte’s excellent Democratic opponent in 2014, Bruce Elder.

Write in Jeff Price for Delegate

While we are disappointed that there is not a Democratic candidate on the November 5 ballot to challenge 24th District State Delegate Ben Cline, there is a way for voters to express their dissatisfaction with Cline.

Jeff Price has agreed to stand as a write-in candidate. Please write in his name on your ballot, and urge other voters to do the same.

The Amherst County Democrats’ Facebook page has more.

Phone bank and canvass volunteers needed

The McAuliffe-Northam-Herring campaign needs volunteers to work the phones and knock on doors in the weeks leading up to the November 5 election.

Phone banks operate Monday through Thursday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Democratic headquarters, 221 South Main Street. Canvassing is done on Saturdays and Sundays.

If you can help, please call the headquarters at 540-464-3367.

Phone bank October 1 and 2

On Tuesday October 1 and Wednesday October 2 from 4 to 7 p.m., Democratic campaign field organizer Hannah Burk will be at Democratic headquarters in Lexington (221 South Main) to conduct a phone bank for the 2013 election.

Please join us for however long you can. If you are able to participate, let us know at 540-464-3367.

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